稽古場は、アート×地域おこしの案内所に。 案内所は、集いの場に、なる。 the closed empty school becomes dance studio, the dance studio is at the same time, also information center for arts and area, the information center becomes a place where people could be together, as meeting spot. ust↓ http://ustre.am/Rorg 2013年1月27日(日)15:00-16:30 踊る地域案内所 クロージングイベント 27th Jan. 2013 closing event of Dancing Area and Arts Information Center in Kimotsuki, Kagoshima, Japan. ダンス:ルイ-クレモン ダコスタ +JOU dance: louis-clemont da costa / JOU 協力:松本充明 co-production by Mitsuaki Matsumoto 入場無料、投げ銭制 free entrance donation 鹿児島でリハーサルした続きを、2−3月にスイスで行い、 4月、ジュネーブのu'sine劇場で上演予定です。 this work by the 2 dancers, will be presented in geneva in this april. かごしまけん きもつきぐん きもつきちょう うしろだ 鹿児島県 肝属郡 肝付町 後田 川上校区 鹿児島空港からリムジンバスで1時間40分。 バス停から車で35分。 駅がない広域半島、おおすみの南西地域に位置する 肝付町・川上校区での、休校中の体育館利用プロジェクト。 It is a "creative social project" by JOU and Mitsuaki Matsumoto who moved to Kagoshima from Tokyo in the last year 2012. They both are creating many unique project in which searching new relationship between society and arts as a point of view of artist. Kagpshima is a beautiful city where located the southren part of Japan. Kimotsuki, is a small town in Kagoshima, where located far away from airport, and no train station at all. totally isorated. with full of nature resouces, it is very interesting area. no contemporary arts yet al all. but nice foods, nice people. they find out that is a treasure of our world now. for more info. JOU blog
by osumiart
| 2013-01-27 00:22
| ライブイベントLive event
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